Poster Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2017

Improved Clinical Documentation for Improved Communication (#322)

Shoma Ms Barat 1 , Philipa Dr. Ell 1 , Angelina Dr. Tjokrowidjaja 1 , Laura Ms Gibbons 1 , Michele Ms Brereton 1 , Patricia Ms Morris 1 , Ken Mr Hopper 1
  1. Cancer Services, South East Sydney Local Health District, Sydney, NSW, Australia


An improvement in centralised electronic documentation for cancer services will be evidenced by 50% of diagnosed cases having staging information recorded and 75% having their Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance score (ECOG) documented in ARIA


Driver-diagram technique was used to identify issues and solutions. Information sessions, reminder cards, improved clinical information recordings, system user-guide, regular feedback on documentation.

The project included a team of interdisciplinary members which enhanced collaboration and improved team work.  Customised reports were generated to provide constant feedback to the working group about their progress. Reporting and feedback to team was imperative for the success of the project and was identified as an innovative improvement by the team as such feedback was a rarity before the project.  Training documents had been updated including cheat sheets and quick referral booklets for the clinic desks helping keep the changes sustainable


An improvement in Staging information was evidenced up to average 68% of new patients, compared to the beginning of the project at 58% of stage. Improvement in ECOG was evidenced up to average 56% as compared to the pre project at 38%


Continued focus will help improvement leading to other crucial information improvement increasing quality, safety of care and communication between interdisciplinary teams.  The processes helped incorporate the CORE principles of collaboration, openness, respect and empowerment of the members and the extended staff.  Efforts to finding solutions towards improved documentation helped the Cancer team to operate as a unit encouraging improved interdisciplinary communication. 

The improvements helped increase in integration of care by providing complete and timely clinical information.  This in turn could be used for further correspondence between the outpatient, inpatient and primary care.  In turn helping in improved reporting on patient outcomes, future researchers and service planners. Therefore fulfilling the objectives of translational research and care. 

  1. Cancer Institute NSW, NSW Cancer Plan, A statewide plan for lessening the impact of cancers in NSW. Available from : [7 April 2017]