Poster Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2017

Accessible cancer information for consumers – designing a cancer information and resource lounge (#403)

Angela Murray 1 , Lisa Taylor-Lovett 2 , Sandra MacIver 2 , Joan Thomas 2
  1. Southern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service (SMICS), Bentleigh East, VIC, Australia
  2. Chemotherapy Day Unit, Peninsula Health, Frankston , Victoria


To improve the wellbeing of cancer patients and the cancer experience for patients, family and carers by providing access to appropriate resources. 


Peninsula Health in collaboration with Southern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service (SMICS), implemented a Cancer Information and Resource Lounge for people affected by cancer. Funding for this lounge was made possible with a successful grant submission by SMICS to Dry July. 

Information is an important part of the patient journey. People with cancer, their families and carers have diverse support needs, including information as one of the domains of supportive care. Many supportive care needs can be addressed by the right information at the right time. A patient carer survey identified that 71% of people wanted a cancer information and resource area at Peninsula Health. 

The design of the information lounge was completed in consultation with national and international cancer information centres. The lounge is located in the Integrated Health Centre within Frankston Hospital, Peninsula Health. It is a place where patients, carers and family can access appropriate information from credible sources, such as Cancer Council Victoria and the Leukaemia Foundation. The Cancer Information and Resource Lounge includes space for people to sit and read, IPad stations, and brochure displays with a dedicated phone to call the Cancer Council Victoria support line. 


The lounge will be available for use by Peninsula Health patients, families and carers in September 2017.


Plans for the future include implementing a volunteer program to staff the centre. Discussions are in progress to identify the best practice model for training volunteers to provide appropriate support within the information lounge.