Oral antineoplastics should be subject to the same rigorous safety control and procedures as those administered by other routes. Staff dispensing oral antineoplastics in the community must have appropriate skills and training to verify oral cancer therapy.1
To educate community pharmacists about the supply, safe handling, adverse effects, supportive therapies and potential issues surrounding oral antineoplastic treatment, ensuring optimal patient care.
In November 2015, an interactive online course encompassing six modules was developed following a rigorous governance and evaluation process, with an associated dissemination and implementation strategy. The modules were reviewed in November 2016 with version 2 being released in July 2017. Development and review included consultation with an external Clinical Advisory Committee, ensuring content addressed issues encountered in the community pharmacy setting.
The modules were hosted by several community pharmacy organisations in addition to being available on eviQ Education.
Community pharmacists are uniquely placed to provide patients with education regarding oral antineoplastics. eviQ is looking to use participant feedback to explore new opportunities and support oncology pharmacists to build links with community pharmacists to help them deliver a high standard of care to patients.